In memoriam Ian Shipsey (1959-2024),
one of the driving forces behind the existence of DRD5
What's this about? -- status 12-Oct-2024
DRD5 (Detector R&D Collaboration) is part of a large effort to develop detectors for future
particle physics experiments in a number of technologies (thus DRD1 .. DRD8).
DRD5 / RDq focuses on R&D of Quantum Sensors.
The DRD5 proposal
was approved on 6/6/2024 by CERN's
Research Board, after having been recommended by CERN's DRDC (Detector R & D Committee)
based on the submitted proposal and a
presentation to the DRDC on June 4th.
The collaboration is being set up;
The Collaboration Board (CB) chair is Marcel Demarteau (ORNL); the CB presently consists of one representative for each of the 100 founding institutes.
The spokesperson is Michael Doser (CERN); the deputy spokesperson is Steven Worm (DESY).
We are in the process of selecting the top-level WP leaders. Once the
structure is in place, the signing of the MOU's with CERN will begin. In parallel, the individual WP's will start organizing their respective activities
as detailed in the proposal's milestones.
If you are interested to be involved, please contact Marcel Demarteau or Michael Doser. We will require a short description of your DRD5-related activities and interests. All applications need to be agreed to by the CB. Joining and membership is free of cost for academic institutions.
Sign up to receive regular (five-six / year) updates via the DRD5-updates e-group at CERN. if you have a CERN-registered email account. To obtain one, click here.
First collaboration board meeting (online): November 4
First common activity: 1st School on quantum sensing (CERN, Nov. 4-8)
First collaboration meeting (at CERN and online): February 17-18
The proposal is an implementation of the ECFA roadmap
for detector R&D for future particle physics experiments.
In the case of quantum sensors, six quantum sensing families were identified as particularly relevant to particle physics:
- clocks and clock networks
- kinetic detectors
- superconducting and spin-based sensors
- optomechanical sensors
- atoms, ions, molecules and atom interferometry
- metamaterials, 0-,1-,2-dimensional materials
Who's who?
Conveners of the ECFA quantum sensing roadmap implementation process
Hiroki Akamatsu, Etiennette Auffray, Caterina Braggio, Florian Brunbauer, Oliver Buchmuller,Shion Chen, Martino Calvo, Marcel Demarteau, Michael Doser, Christophe Dujardin, Andrew Geraci, Arindam Ghosh, Yacine Haddad, Glen Harris, David Hume, Derek Jackson, Jeroen Koelemeij, Georgy Kornakov, Gobinda Majumder, Stefan Maier, Alberto Marino, Tanja Mehlstäubler, Alessandro Monfardini, Ben Ohayon, Nancy Paul, Alberto Quaranta, Sadiq Rangwala, Florian Reindl, Mariana Safronova, Swati Singh, Stafford Withington and Steven Worm
Co-ordinators of the implementation process
Marcel Demarteau, Michael Doser